Welcome and thank you for dropping by my brand new baby 'Dateable' and its side kick 'Love Guru'.

As much as I enjoy creating authentic portraits for my customers, I love learning on a continual basis, be it about photography or be it about dating. The fact that you are taking portraits for dating profiles sets your mind off through a rabbit hole of ideas, insights and learnings. I thank my customers or clients for affording me that opportunity.
My goal for 'Love Guru' is to make it into a treasure trove of information and knowledge which I learned and want to share with you.
What is Love Guru all about and who is this for?
Love Guru is a knowledge and information treasure for people interested in finding a partner for themselves or their loved ones either through dating or matrimony. You will find useful advice here about:
Dating and Matrimonial Profiles: Advice, tips, and best practices for creating attractive and effective dating profile photos. Guidance on outfit selection, and how to prepare for photoshoots to create your dating profile photos.
Personal Branding and Digital Presence: Explainers highlighting importance of personal branding in online dating and matchmaking profiles, presenting oneself authentically through images and bios, and the impact of high-quality photos on making a positive first impression.
Dating Insights: General dating insights, guidance on how to recognize and avoid common dating red flags, including warning signs of toxic or abusive relationships.
Self love and personal growth: importance of self-love and personal growth in building healthy relationships, including tips for self-care, self-reflection, and personal development.
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