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Writer's pictureRavi Putcha

Love Stinks: Why Ignoring Your Bad Breath Could Be Sabotaging Your Romance Game

Do you remember ‘Close-up’ toothpaste ads? Two youngsters coming together and romance starts flowing because one of them or both use Close-up? Here is one to refresh your memory...

It is easy to wave off the obvious exaggeration in those ads but there’s something you can’t wave off, that’s your own bad breath. Bad smell from your mouth is a silent romance killer.

Bad breath is a silent romance killer!

You might be assuming that you don’t have any foul odor coming out of your mouth – if you do, tell me what you do everyday to prevent bad breath. Just brush once a day? Is that all you do? If that’s the case, let me assure you, it is very likely your breath smells foul – only you don’t know about it.

Only thing worse than bad breath

is not being aware of it

Only thing worse than bad breath is not being aware of your own bad breath

The only thing worse than bad breath is not knowing if your breath smells bad. If you never checked, blissfully unaware of the foul odor you got to do something about it.

I am no expert in dental hygiene but I know some people who are experts. Here's an insightful video, be sure to watch it!

Here’s a list of things you need to do every day:

  1. Brush (with a soft brush) twice daily at least especially before going to bed – it is best if you can brush after every meal

  2. Use a fluoride toothpaste like Colgate Total or Pepsodent G (not regular Pepsodent)

  3. Use a fluoride mouthwash Colgate PerioGard, Colgate PhosFlur or Listering Total Care

  4. Scrape your tongue at least once daily

  5. Floss daily after brushing

  6. Visit dentist at least once a year to clean plaque, fill cavities and check for any issues

Hope this helps, keep it healthy and let the romance flow. If you are looking to up your dating game or finding a suitable partner, you need top quality photos to show who you are and I am here to help. Click here to get in touch with me.


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